
About Minesweeper online

Minesweeper is one of the few games that has stood the test of time. Since the game came out in 1990 for Microsoft Windows. A lot of progress has been made in technology. And now powerful computers can play games that look like movies. Despite this, Minesweeper hasn't changed graphically in 22 years and continues to be popular. Many people are familiar with the Minesweeper game, and most have played it at some point. Despite this, many people are still unsure of how to play the game and, more importantly, how to win.


Aim of the Game

The object of a Minesweeper is a simple one - to clear a minefield without getting blown up in the process. The problem for the player is that you do not know where the mines are. And you must uncover them by removing one square at a time, trying not to select a square that is hiding a mine.

History of Minesweeper online

The earliest mainframe games of the 1960s are thought to have inspired the concept of Minesweeper. The Cube, a game by Jerimac Ratiff, is frequently referred to as a predecessor of Minesweeper. However, the similarities do not go beyond the fact that both games focus on mines. Minesweeper's "hide and seek" mechanic is probably closer to games like "Hurkle". There, players had to find a creature in a ten-by-ten grid, or "Relentless Logic" in which they had to find their way safely through a minefield.
Windows developed the current Minesweeper video game for Windows. The game was written and developed by Microsoft employees Robert Donner and Curtis Johnson for inclusion in the Microsoft Entertainment Pack for Windows 3.1 in 1990. In 1992, it was upgraded to be included in the in-game pack, taking the place of Reversi.
In contrast to the other well-liked solitaire game, Minesweeper provided Windows users with something new. primarily because it was less obvious and required less concentration, allowing players to spend hours uncovering mines without overtaxing their minds.
Minesweeper, like many Windows feature games, was made to teach users how to use a mouse. Text-based game controls worked in the early PC era when mice were still uncommon. Users were able to familiarize themselves with a device that would soon become an essential feature on all PCs thanks to Minesweeper's straightforward controls, which required only a left click to place a flag and a right click to remove mines.

Third-party versions

Like any successful game, Minesweeper has spawned many a spin-off. The game developers hoping to cash in on the success of the original. Today there are hundreds of different shareware versions. It also offers a slightly different take on gameplay.
The windows version of Minesweeper remains as popular as ever. Unlike many other games that are twenty years old, has not become dated in the slightest. You can rest assured that however advanced computers become, Minesweeper will still be a feature.

Playing the game

  • It's time to start playing now that you've chosen the level you want to play on. You choose a square tile at random to start the game. At the same time, hoping to avoid hitting a mine (hitting a mine the first time is rare).
  • You will be able to open other tiles, some of which are numbered and others that are clear, once you select one. The numbers represent the number of mines in the square closest to the numbered tile. For instance, the number one will tell you that there is only one mine among the eight squares that surround it.
  • The next step is for you to find more square tiles and figure out where you think a mine is. A flag can be on the tile with a right-click if you think you've found a mine. If you are unsure whether a mine is underneath a tile, you can mark it with a question mark with a double right-click to remind you to avoid it.
  • In a box at the game's bottom, you can find the number of mines. As more mines are correctly flagged, this number will fall. If all of the mines are correctly located or a mine is clicked on, it ends the game and detonates all of the others.

Hex Mines

The gameplay is similar to classic minesweeper but with a hexagonal surface.
Click to open a block and shift+click to flag a block.

Alternate Versions of Minesweeper

A game as popular and successful as Minesweeper was always going to spawn a large number of imitations and alternatives. There are many different versions of the Windows classic. And some are much better than others; it must be said that none match up to the original. Howerver, a unique take on the Minesweeper "hide and seek" gameplay can sometimes be fun to play.


Probably the most common alternative of a minesweeper appeared of controversy. You may be thinking "how can such an innocuous game cause controversy?". Well it did in 2001 from a group - the International Campaign to Ban Winmine. The focus of the campaign was to force Microsoft into choosing a theme other than mine. Some people associated it with pain and suffering. Microsoft did eventually conform and opted for a flower-based version of Minesweeper which ran alongside the original game. Fortunately for Minesweeper fans, apart from not exploding. Flower-sweeper plays the same as its alternative, making it a handy option when the exploding mines become frustrating.


Crossmines is one of the best advancements of Minesweeper ever created. It offers a chance to play the original game, or a clever variation known as Crossmines. The biggest achievement of Crossmines is the fact that it offers more depth and requires a new way of thinking. Unlike the original, Crossmines contains more than purely square tiles. Tiles can be connected with other tiles in different shapes; this completely tears up any strategy a player may have hoped of carrying over from the original game. Crossmines offers a high-score table allowing you to challenge yourself and others and a timed game that has a clock that counts down instead of up. Failing to complete the game within the designated period will result in the minefield exploding; this adds extra pressure to the game - as if any were needed!

3D Minesweeper

Since Minesweeper was created in 1990 it has changed very little in its design, sticking to the 2D platform and relying on its gameplay to win over fans. This has not stopped others from producing graphically enhanced versions, the most successful being 3D Minesweeper. The aim of the game is the same as the gameplay; the 3D variation, however, does add a heightened level of logical thinking. There are 45 different shapes to tackle in 3D Minesweeper, so boredom is never a factor. The game also adds an extra level of difficulty, a "hint" option for struggling players, and an integrated solver which allows you to watch the computer play the game on its own.


If you took the original version of minesweeper and crossed it with the classic board game Cluedo, BeTrapped would be the result. BeTrapped is set in a Cluedo-style house and mines are replaced by booby traps. And clues and the aim is to crack a mysterious murder case. Although the setting does not resemble Minesweeper in any way, the gameplay does not stray too far from the original. No matter what the alternative, players of all ages will still come back to the original game, a game that has stood the test of time like no other.

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